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Implementation Toolkit

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Quality Standard

This Implementation Toolkit, created in partnership with Ontario Health and the Lung Health Foundation, is a comprehensive guide to improving care for those living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is created for clinicians, health system planners, and health organizations to help implement Ontario Health’s Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Quality Standard.

To start accessing resources, navigate the pathway below and select the relevant quality statement, or use the search bar to manually enter key terms to see your results.

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Person suspected of having pulmonarydisease(COPD). Q1: Diagnosis Confirmed With Spirometry Q2:ComprehensiveAssessment Q3:Goals of Care &IndividualizedCare Planning Q4: Education & Self Management Q5: Promoting Smoking Cessation Q6: Pharmacological Management of Stable COPD Q7: Vaccinations Q13: Palliative Care Q14: Long Term Oxygen Therapy Q10:Managementof Acute Exacerbations of COPD Q11:Follow up After Hospitalizationfor an Acute Exacerbationof COPD Acute careAn acute exacerbation may requirehospital carefor some(See the COPD QBP) Primary and community care Q9: Pulmonary Rehab Q12: Pulmonary Rehab After Hospitalization for an Acute Exacerbation Q8: Specialized Respiratory Care Not all people with COPDrequire specialized care
Primary and community care Person suspected of having pulmonary disease (COPD). Q1: Diagnosis Confirmed Spirometry. Q2: C omprehensive A ssessme n t. Q3: Goals of Care & Individualized Care Planning. Q14: Long Term Oxygen Therapy. Q13: Palliative Care Q7: Vaccinations Q6: Pharmacological Management of Stable COPD Q5: Promoting Smoking Cessation Q4: Education & Self Management Q8: Specialized Respiratory Care. Q9: Pulmonary Rehab Q12: Pulmonary Rehab After Hospitalization for an Accute Exacerbation. Q10: Management of Acute Exacerbations of COPD. Q11: Follow up After Hospitalization for an Acute Exacerbation Of COPD. Acute Care: An acute exacerbation may require hospital care for some. (See the COPD QBP)

Key priority for collaborative, integrated care

Referral (as appropiate) from primary care to other integrated care settings

Ongoing follow-up and management in primary and community care

Opportunity to leverage digital, virtual, and/or remote care technologies

Help us spread awareness on the COPD Implementation Toolkit within your networks to advance COPD care!

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About Us

The Lung Health Foundation is dedicated to ending gaps in the prevention, diagnosis, and care of lung disease in Canada. We invest in the future by driving groundbreaking research, and we give patients and their families the programs and support they need today.

Join our network for healthcare professionals and researchers at the LHF Collaborative.

Lung health starts now!

Ontario Lung Association is a registered charity operating as the Lung Health Foundation, and is no longer affiliated with the Canadian Lung Association.

More information here

Ontario Health is an agency created by the Government of Ontario to connect, coordinate and modernize our province’s health care system. They work with partners, providers and patients to make the health system more efficient so everyone in Ontario has an opportunity for better health and wellbeing.